Efeito de antagonistas de receptores H1, e H2, sobre a Y-glutamiltransferase, no soro de ratos parcialmente hepatectonizados

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Efeito de antagonistas de receptores H1, e H2, sobre a Y-glutamiltransferase, no soro de ratos parcialmente hepatectonizados

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Title: Efeito de antagonistas de receptores H1, e H2, sobre a Y-glutamiltransferase, no soro de ratos parcialmente hepatectonizados
Author: Kozlowski Junior, Vitoldo Antônio
Abstract: Ratos albinos machos foram utilizados para investigar os efeitos de antagonista específico de receptores H1 perifericos ,Terfenadina e receptoresH2' Ciroetidina sobre a enzima γ-glutamiltransferase( γ-GT) DO soro destes animais durante a regeneração hepática após hepatectomia parcial. 67 ratos divididos em três grupos foram sacrificados respectiva-mente 6 h, 24 h e 360 h após a tecnica cirurgica. Cada grupo contendo 4 sub-grupos receberam doses de Terfenadina (2 mg/Kg/dia), Cimetidina (20 ms/Kg/dia), Terfenadina (20mg/Kg/dia)+ Cimetidina (20mg/Kg/dia) e NaCl 0,9;% (Controle), intraperitonealmente durante o tempo do experimento. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o antagonista de receptor H1 periférico- Terfenadina, induziu a atividade da γ-glutamiltransferase no soro de ratos, 360 h após hepatectomia parcial.Adult male albino rats (Wistar strain) were used to investigate the effecte of selective antagonist of only peripheral histamine H1-receptors, Terfenadine and histamine H2-receptors antagonist, Cimetidine on the serum activity of the enzyme y-glutamiltransferase( γ-GT) during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Sixty-seven animals were randomly divided into three groups and were 'sacrificed respectively, 6 h, 24 h and 360 h postoperatively. Each group was divided into four sub-groups that received ' doses of Terfenadine (2 mg/Kg,/day),Cimetidine (, 20 mg/Kg/day), Terfenadine (2mg /Kg /day) + Cimetidine (20 mg/Kg/ day) and NaCl 0,9 % (Control), intraperitoneally during the experimentation. The results obtained suggested that peri - pheral histamine Hl- receptor antagonist - Terfenadine, induced the 1(-glutamiltransferase serum activity in rats.360 h after partial hepatectomy.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/906
Date: 1991

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